Shreyansh Dubey | Data Analyst, Data Science
Shreyansh Dubey | Data Analyst, Data Science

Hi, I'm


Data Analyst | Data Science Mentor

I believe life is one big game of perspective, so I strive to analyse data from as many angles as possible.
About Me
Shreyansh Dubey, Data Analyst
"Appreciate everything, even the ordinary. Especially the ordinary. Keep drumming."
I'm a data enthusiast who loves tackling problems by looking at them from multiple angles. Whether it's writing code or living my life, I strive to keep things simple yet intuitive.
When I'm not working, you can find me tending to my in-house garden or hitting the open road. And speaking of roads, I'm passionate about promoting road safety and working towards making our streets safer for everyone.
Work Experience
Data Science Intern
Data Science Intern
Constacloud, Korba
January 2020 - March 2020
Data Science Consultant
Data Science Consultant
Constacloud, Korba
March 2020 - March 2022
Data Science Mentor
Data Science Mentor
November 2019 - Present
Quantative Analysis
Data Analysis
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Natural Language Processing
Scikit Learn, SKLearn
Spacy, NLTK
Python, Numpy
My Work
N-Gram Language Model
N-Gram Language Model
N-Gram Language.
Message Classifier
Message Classifier
Implementation of message classifier which classifies messages to either spam or personal.
Ambition Box
Ambition Box
Implementation of web scrapping using python.
WhatsApp Chat Analyser
WhatsApp Chat Analyser
Web based app to analyse WhatsApp chat between two indivduals or a group conversation.
Hey Coffee
Hey Coffee
Voice Assistant App.
Covid 19 Analysis
Covid 19 Analysis
Used Matplotlib and Seaborn library for holistic statewise analysis of Covid 19 pandemic.
Autonomous Vehicle Program
Autonomous Vehicle Program
Currently Building !!
Let's Connect !
If you're on the hunt for anything related to data science, whether it's learning resources, tips for making a career change, or even project collaborations.
Even if your interests include dogs, plants, or hybrid automobiles ( or anything else under the sun! ).
I am happy to connect !!